varium et mutabile semper femina

Observations from the crossroads. Dreams of porosity. A memorial for the women I will never be again.

In semper femina I trace the ways I’ve been moved and changed, surprised and transformed. In this is a collection of shed skin, souvenirs, read and unread books, my favorite bottles of wine, ghosts, love letters, self-portraits, confessions, and clippings of everything else.

about the author

My name is Lian. I am a writer from Manila currently based in a small town in central Texas. These days, my time is split between working full-time at a local museum; writing poetry, this newsletter, and the occasional freelance project; tending to my tiny home, which includes weekly sourdough baking and exploring new recipes almost every day, and; dreaming of the woman I want to now and eventually become.

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Behind every post are hours of research and writing, years of studying and refining my craft, and almost three decades of life experience all distilled into an essay several hundred or thousand words long. Writing is rewarding, hard work, and I’m grateful I can share it with you.

Please consider supporting my practice through a paid subscription. Your support helps me buy coffee, ponder comfortably in silence, and sustain this publication. It would be much appreciated!

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Observations from the crossroads. Dreams of porosity. A memorial for the women I will never be again.


I eat, read, and write in a tiny home.